
Safe H‑DRI Pro­ject!

On Octo­ber 8th and 9th, the kick-off mee­ting for the Safe H‑DRI pro­ject took place, brin­ging tog­e­ther indus­try lea­ders and experts from across Euro­pe. The pro­ject aims to ensu­re the...


The Safe­ty and Dis­as­ter Stu­dies working group at Mon­tan­uni­ver­si­tät Leo­ben, in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with part­ners Geo­Sphe­re Aus­tria (over­all pro­ject manage­ment), the Ger­man Wea­ther Ser­vice, and the Ava­lan­che War­ning Cent­re at the...

Con­nect to pro­tect

  Working tog­e­ther for a safer green ener­gy tran­si­ti­on. A new post­gra­dua­te safe­ty cour­se invi­tes stu­dents — wha­te­ver their aca­de­mic back­ground — to learn how to miti­ga­te green energy’s com­plex...

Self-hea­ting pro­ces­ses

Rese­arch of self-hea­ting pro­ces­ses of modern bulk mate­ri­als Bulk solid mate­ri­als can spon­ta­neous­ly reach high tem­pe­ra­tures and even catch fire. The reasons for this are inter­nal chemical/physical reac­tions, which gene­ra­te...

Dust explo­si­on rese­arch

Dust cloud evo­lu­ti­on and fla­me pro­pa­ga­ti­on of orga­nic dust defla­gra­ti­on under low wall influence A lot of pro­cess indus­tries are hand­ling with fine disper­sed orga­nic or metal­lic par­tic­les and the­r­e­fo­re...

Dis­rup­ti­on and Resi­li­ence

Sub­jec­ti­ve expe­ri­ence of the ram­pa­ge in Graz from the per­spec­ti­ve of psy­cho­so­cial emer­gen­cy care. Amok acts are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by a per­so­nal — by the per­pe­tra­tor — and socie­tal loss of...

Com­pa­ri­son of decis­i­on-making

  Influen­cing Fac­tors from a Social Psy­cho­lo­gi­cal Per­spec­ti­ve and the Ques­ti­on of Tech­ni­cal Assis­tance during ski tou­ring acci­dents and ad-hoc poli­ce ope­ra­ti­ons Both ski tours and poli­ce ad hoc ope­ra­ti­ons...


  Assess­ment of the effec­ti­ve­ness of extin­gu­is­hing addi­ti­ves for class A fires Water is still the most com­mon­ly used extin­gu­is­hing agent for fire­fight­ing. Depen­ding on the requi­re­ments, extin­gu­is­hing agent addi­ti­ves...


Real-time risk maps to sup­port decis­i­on-making in CBRNe situa­tions Within the frame­work of the ERI­MAPS pro­ject, the foun­da­ti­ons for the deve­lo­p­ment of soft­ware to sup­port decis­i­on-makers in respon­se to CBRNe...
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