Dust explo­si­on rese­arch

Dust cloud evo­lu­ti­on and fla­me pro­pa­ga­ti­on of orga­nic dust defla­gra­ti­on under low wall influence

A lot of pro­cess indus­tries are hand­ling with fine disper­sed orga­nic or metal­lic par­tic­les and the­r­e­fo­re dust explo­si­ons are a major hazard to con­sider. For pre­ven­ti­on mea­su­res cha­rac­te­ristic hazard para­me­ters, who­se labo­ra­to­ry mea­su­re­ment are stan­dar­di­zed world­wi­de, are used. Howe­ver, they are not able to descri­be a dust defla­gra­ti­on under real con­di­ti­ons, e.g. low wall influence. Hence it is important to rese­arch and deve­lop nume­ri­cal models to under­stand the defla­gra­ti­on pro­ces­ses.

To gather com­pa­ra­ble and vali­da­ti­on data for simu­la­ti­ons, we at the Chair of Ther­mal Pro­ces­sing Tech­no­lo­gy build tog­e­ther with the Depart­ment of Par­ti­cu­la­te Flow Model­ling (Johan­nes Kep­ler Uni­ver­si­ty Linz) and Hoer­bi­ger Wien GmbH (Indus­try Part­ner) an expe­ri­men­tal set­up, Fig.1, to mea­su­re par­tic­le and fla­me pro­pa­ga­ti­on under low wall influence. The­re an air pul­se disper­ses dust par­tic­les into a disper­si­on cham­ber from whe­re a secon­da­ry air pul­se shifts the par­tic­les into the obser­va­ti­on cham­ber and an elec­tric spark igni­tes the dus­t/air-mix­tu­re. For the par­tic­le image velo­ci­me­try (PIV) the cen­tral pla­ne of the cham­ber is illu­mi­na­ted by a laser, which also sets the focus pla­ne for a high-speed came­ra.

Title: Dust cloud evo­lu­ti­on and fla­me pro­pa­ga­ti­on of orga­nic dust defla­gra­ti­on under low wall influence

Aut­hors: Ste­fan Put­tin­ger, Chris­toph Spi­jker, Simon Schnei­der­bau­er, Ste­fan Pir­ker, Georg Mey­er, Chris­toph Buch­ner, Andre­as Kerbl

Publi­ca­ti­on at Jour­nal of Loss Pre­ven­ti­on in the Pro­cess Indus­tries, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jlp.2023.105042

© Foto by Rost­is­lav Uzu­n­ov from pexels.