Dust cloud evolution and flame propagation of organic dust deflagration under low wall influence
A lot of process industries are handling with fine dispersed organic or metallic particles and therefore dust explosions are a major hazard to consider. For prevention measures characteristic hazard parameters, whose laboratory measurement are standardized worldwide, are used. However, they are not able to describe a dust deflagration under real conditions, e.g. low wall influence. Hence it is important to research and develop numerical models to understand the deflagration processes.
To gather comparable and validation data for simulations, we at the Chair of Thermal Processing Technology build together with the Department of Particulate Flow Modelling (Johannes Kepler University Linz) and Hoerbiger Wien GmbH (Industry Partner) an experimental setup, Fig.1, to measure particle and flame propagation under low wall influence. There an air pulse disperses dust particles into a dispersion chamber from where a secondary air pulse shifts the particles into the observation chamber and an electric spark ignites the dust/air-mixture. For the particle image velocimetry (PIV) the central plane of the chamber is illuminated by a laser, which also sets the focus plane for a high-speed camera.
Title: Dust cloud evolution and flame propagation of organic dust deflagration under low wall influence
Authors: Stefan Puttinger, Christoph Spijker, Simon Schneiderbauer, Stefan Pirker, Georg Meyer, Christoph Buchner, Andreas Kerbl
Publication at Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jlp.2023.105042
© Foto by Rostislav Uzunov from pexels.