
August 16, 2023
Deve­lo­p­ment of trai­ning mate­ri­als for Aus­tri­an and Ger­man ava­lan­che com­mis­si­ons depart­ment “peo­p­le”. Under the direc­tion of geo­sphe­re Aus­tria, new trai­ning mate­ri­als for ava­lan­che com­mis­si­ons are being deve­lo­ped on the basis of the “Social Capa­ci­ty” theo­ry. In addi­ti­on to snow and ava­lan­che know­ledge, the com­mis­si­ons will now also recei­ve tar­ge­ted trai­ning in the are­as of orga­niza­tio­nal,...
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Contingency Planning
Emer­gen­cy plan­ning in alpi­ne regi­ons: A cross-coun­try com­pa­ra­ti­ve ana­ly­sis of chal­lenges, strengths and weak­ne­s­ses bet­ween emer­gen­cy plan­ning and emer­gen­cy manage­ment. This ana­ly­sis is based on empi­ri­cal data from seven Alpi­ne count­ries: Switz­er­land, Ger­ma­ny, France, Slove­nia, Lich­ten­stein, Ita­ly and Aus­tria. Pre­de­fi­ned natu­ral hazards were con­side­red, name­ly ava­lan­ches, forest fire, floods and mud­flows. The tar­get group of...
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