Self-Defen­se in Emer­gen­ci­es | Cour­se #580.341

In unpre­dic­ta­ble moments of emer­gen­cy or dis­as­ter, kno­wing how to pro­tect yours­elf and others is cri­ti­cal. Our “Self-Defen­se in Emer­gen­ci­es” cour­se, led by Prof. Dr. Vla­di­mir M. Cvet­ko­vić (Visi­ting Pro­fes­sor), empowers you with essen­ti­al tech­ni­ques to respond calm­ly and effec­tively in high-pres­su­re situa­tions.
💥 What’s included?
🛡 Prac­ti­cal self-defen­se tools for per­so­nal and coll­ec­ti­ve safe­ty
💪 Phy­si­cal tech­ni­ques like joint locks, throws, strikes, and grap­pling
🗣 Ver­bal skills for de-escala­ti­on and asser­ti­ve com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on
⚔️ Defen­se against both armed and unar­med atta­ckers
Real-life sce­na­ri­os will help you stay pre­pared for the unex­pec­ted! Whe­ther you’re loo­king to enhan­ce your own safe­ty or learn how to pro­tect others in emer­gen­ci­es, this cour­se is for you.
📚 Stu­dy SDM and acqui­re com­pre­hen­si­ve risk and dis­as­ter manage­ment skills. Com­bi­ne self-defen­se know­ledge with broa­der safe­ty exper­ti­se to pro­tect yours­elf and your com­mu­ni­ty in times of cri­sis.
🔗 Enroll now and build the con­fi­dence to stay safe when it mat­ters most!$scrollTo=toc_overview