Intro­du­cing Visi­ting Prof. Dr. Vla­di­mir M. Cvet­ko­vić!

We are exci­ted to wel­co­me Prof. Dr. Cvet­ko­vić, a visi­ting pro­fes­sor and an expert in Dis­as­ter Risk Manage­ment, to our Safe­ty and Dis­as­ter Stu­dies team at Mon­tan­uni­ver­si­tät Leo­ben. He is the foun­der and pre­si­dent of the Sci­en­ti­fic-Pro­fes­sio­nal Socie­ty for Dis­as­ter Risk Manage­ment and the Direc­tor of the Inter­na­tio­nal Insti­tu­te for Dis­as­ter Rese­arch.
With num­e­rous awards, inclu­ding The Danu­bis Young Sci­en­tist Award (2017) from the Aus­tri­an Fede­ral Minis­try of Sci­ence, Rese­arch and Eco­no­my and the IDRE for the best young sci­en­tist from Ser­bia, and reco­gni­ti­on as The “Local Expert” for Ser­bia in the field of dis­as­ter risk manage­ment by the inter­na­tio­nal con­sor­ti­um CIMA Rese­arch Foun­da­ti­on, Prof. Cvet­ko­vić is a true lea­der in his field.

Learn more about his work: